FBC E-Blast - April 16, 2012
FBC E-Blast
April 16, 2012


Acts 25

Storms seem to creep out of nowhere. You feel that slight change in wind, the temperature dips just a bit, and before you know it, the sky opens up in a downpour. How similar that is to our lives? In one moment of one day, all is going well. You are sailing right along as normal when everything changes. Maybe you find out your spouse is having an affair, you get a call your child has been in a terrible car accident, or someone close to you has passed away. It is like the rug is being ripped out from under you, and you are doing everything to hang on and not let yourself simply fall apart.

Emotions seem to rage like a sea during a storm. One moment, you are fully trusting the LORD to do something miraculous, while in the next it seems that all hope is lost. You cry out in grief and beg Jesus for a miracle. Then, somewhere during all the pain, He whispers His promises to you. You are His child whom He loves dearly. In Acts 27:24 Jesus said, Do not be afraid, Paul; you must be brought before Caesar; and indeed God has granted you all those who sail with you. You see, not only did the LORD essentially tell Paul all would be OK, but He also reminded him of his calling. Sometimes it takes a tragedy to remind us of who we are in Christ. Jesus always wants the very best for us. Sometimes though, we have to come to the realization that yes, He is enough even in the most difficult of circumstances.

Used by permission from NewSpring Church

Upcoming Events

April 18 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7:30 PM

April 29 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

May 6 - Carry-in Dinner following AM Worship Servive. No PM Service.

Current Series:

Once Upon A Marriage
      There's nothing quite like a juicy love story... the romance, the intrigue, and maybe a little scandal. We will be digging in to some examples of marriage from the Bible to see what we can learn. Travel back in time with us for Once Upon a Marriage. We will look into the marriages of Jacob and Leah (and Rachel), Ahab and Jezebel, Abraham and Sarah, and the unlikely marriage of Hosea and Gomer

      Yesterday, we started our new series. The message was entitled Never Satisfied. When you wrongly believe that marriage is the answer to life fulfillment you are going to compromise more than you should, become very demanding and you will never be satisfied. Instead of trying to find 'the one' to marry or trying to live with 'the one' that you married, you need to find The One, God. Make him first in your life and then your spouse. Sunday's message is available on our website, just under the calendar, or you can listen by visiting us on iTunes. You can also listen to previous messages.

Next Week:
      We will continue our series Once Upon A Marriage by taking a good look at the marriage of Ahab and Jezebel. We hope to see you here!

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Midway, PA 15060


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