FBC E-Blast - August 16, 2010
FBC E-Blast

First Baptist Church - E-blast

August 16, 2010

Taking Responsibility

I Samuel 30:6

In the devotional last week, we saw how it is okay when we experience loss to weep and to grieve. I want to point you to verse 6 of that same passage to learn another important lesson related to experiencing loss. I Samuel 30:6 says,Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.

David was greatly distressed because the people spoke of stoning him. David was not only grieving for the loss of his own family, but he was now being blamed for the whole thing. In fact, they were blaming him to the point that they wanted to take his life.

When you experience troubles, do not be someone who always wants to blame others. I know that it is human nature to want to point the finger and to lash out at somebody else when we are in trouble or when we have experienced loss.

In fact, I think blaming others is just part of our fallen fleshly DNA. Just take a look at what Adam and Eve did in the garden when they messed up. When God turned up and asked what happened, Adam said, "Well, it's the woman that You gave me. She gave me from the tree, and I ate." And when God asked Eve what happened, she replied, "Well, it was the serpent. It was the snake." So Adam blamed his wife, and blamed God who gave him his wife, and Eve blamed the snake. Neither Adam nor Eve took personal responsibility. It was somebody else's fault.

If the problems you are experiencing today are your fault, take responsibility, and do not blame others.

If you have any questions about the Bible, this devotional, would like to talk about how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ or any other need, please feel free to contact me at any time.

Pastor Ben Robinson

Vacation Bible School

Hero Headquarters

Thank you so much to all who came and helped out at our VBS this last week. It was a great time and lots of fun. We had over fifty children register for VBS this year. Praise the Lord! Congratulations to each of the winners of the classes this year: Dominick for the Super Sillies; Kayla for the Water Warriors; Nathan for the Captian Cools; and Colin for the unexpected class of 7th graders. They all worked really hard and we are very proud of them. Thank you to Stephanie for planning and directing this year. Thank you to Greg and Jim who volunteered to teach the 7th graders. A special thanks to Ben and Andy who helped out in the skits, which were very funny.