FBC E-Blast - December 3, 2012
FBC E-Blast
First Baptist Church
December 3, 2012
Soundness or Sickness?


As the early Church rapidly grew, Paul spent much of his time writing to younger leaders to encourage, equip, correct and impart wisdom to them. He tasked a young leader named Titus to raise up church leaders in each town on the island of Crete. But not just any type of leader - Paul gave Titus extremely clear guardrails.

One of the things Paul mentions repeatedly throughout the New Testament is this concept of "sound" doctrine or being "sound" in the faith. The Greek word being used here is where we get our word "hygienic." Paul is literally talking about being healthy in our doctrine, in our teaching, in what we believe and tell others about God and Jesus. He's stressing to Titus the importance of raising up spiritually healthy leaders. And Paul is warning that there are people who will teach unhealthy doctrine, people who must be corrected and silenced.

You're always being taught, always being preached to. You can't avoid it. It's just a matter of who the preacher is. Are you listening to God, as He reveals His will and His character in the Bible? Or are you listening to false doctrines drawn from the lies of Satan, peer pressure, cultural standards, and your own sinful nature? Someone is always teaching you doctrine, but is it sound doctrine? We each have things we believe about God, but are they true? Are they sound?

If we consume unhealthy doctrine, we will be spiritually sick. We'll have wrong views of God. But if we consume sound doctrine, we will be spiritually sound. We'll be healthy Christians. Sound doctrine is crucial for our spiritual growth because without it, we'll be open to believing what Paul calls "empty talk" and "deception." Without it, we're bound to fall for anything.

Used by permission from NewSpring Church

Current Series
    God is with us - in answered promises, realized dreams, and refreshed hope. How could we help but sing? Let's explore the songs born from our joy that Christ has entered the world. Join us for Carols.
Last Sunday:
  We started our series Carols and looked at the amazing Christmas Carol O Holy Night. We pulled out the lyric A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks, a new and glorious morn. So many of us are in that weary world. It is truly amazing what one day with Christ brings in our lives.
  Sunday's message is available for streaming or downloading on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.
Next Sunday:
  We continue our series on by looking into the song O Come, All Ye Faithful. We hope to see you next week!
Upcoming Events:

December 8 - Ladies Ornament Exchange at 1 PM at Gloria Kelly's home. Bring an ornament for the exchange.
      For more details contact Gloria at (412) 478-6119. Her address is 070 Bowen Road McDonald, PA 15057.

December 15 - Deacon's Meeting at 9 AM

December 15 - Christmas Caroling - Meet at church at 3 PM

December 24 - Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM

Special Opportunity

We have been approached by an individual who wants to help our church to be proactive in being prepared for the future. Recently there was a chance to purchase the house behind the church, but we were not in any position to purchase it. They have since taken it off the market, but will most likely be putting it back on the market in a year or so. This anonymous person has offered to match up to $5000 each month (from May through December) that would be given to the parsonage fund over and above your regular offerings. This is a great opportunity to get prepared to purchase some needed property for parking since our church is landlocked. Please consider donating some money towards this fund so we can be better prepared for this possible opportunity. We have raised $9,760! Praise the Lord!!
210 Front Street
Midway, PA 15060
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