FBC E-Blast - January 9, 2012
FBC E-Blast
January 9, 2011

Start Small

Acts 4

Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common. Acts 4:32.

Could this really happen in the 21st century? Is today's culture so overtaken by materialism and high standards of living that the thought of living in this kind of harmony and selflessness impossible? Not if we think small.

The early church began with 120 believers, exploded to 3000, and then proceeded with exponential growth during the days of Acts. Yet this group of new believers kept focus on the foundational teachings they had learned from Jesus: building a community of believers that redefined normal as giving away your possessions, sharing with those in need, and neglecting no one. They started small but did not dilute the message that Jesus had empowered them to proclaim. Therefore, a small group of sold out believers changed the eternity of thousands and eventually millions of believers.

So... what is so different about your community that prohibits this level of sold out ministry? Selfishness, greed, apathy, materialism: yes, all of those traits kill the potential of genuine ministry, but is there something deeper? I think there is. I think we are afraid to start small, afraid to sell out for just one other life, afraid to be rejected, thus stifling our ability to gain any momentum.

In Matthew 9:36, Jesus says that "the harvest is so great, but the workers are so few." Jesus has done some amazing things with just a "few"! Are you willing to be a part of His "few"? Are you willing to strike up one conversation, introduce yourself to your neighbor, or provide a meal for someone sick? Would you be willing to start small?

Allow yourself to be transformed by the generosity of a loving God. Let your heart break for the needs of your community. And then... start small!

Used by permission from NewSpring Church

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January 14 - Trustees Meeting at 12:30 PM

January 18 - Annual Business Meeting at 7:30 PM

Current Series

I Quit
      Fed up with the status quo? The way things are isn't the way things have to be. Come see what happens when we're ready to say, "I quit." Join us as we begin the New Year by quitting some things like: I Quit Making Excuses, I Quit Complaining, I Quit Living in Fear, and I Quit Comparing.

      We continued with our series, I Quit. The first message was I Quit Making Excuses. Yesterday we looked into I Quit Complaining. Complaining offends the heart of God, it costs you significantly, it will drive other people away, but you can overcome it. When you stop complaining, you will become more like Christ and your heart will be aligned with Him. We need to rejoice in in all things. Sunday's message is available on our website, just under the calendar, or you can listen by visiting us on iTunes. You can also listen to previous messages.

Next Week:
      Pastor will continue this series, I Quit. The next message is I Quit Living In Fear. We hope to see you here!

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Midway, PA 15060


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