FBC E-Blast - July 18, 2011
FBC E-Blast
First Baptist Church of Midway E-blast
    July 18, 2011 iTunes Facebook E-Mail Contact
Worry About Work
II Corinthians 11:28

In II Corinthians 11:28, the apostle Paul says something very interesting, Besides the other things, what comes upon me daily: my deep concern for all the churches. You may be wondering, "What does this have to do with my life?" Let me show you.

The phrase "deep concern" literally means anxiety and worry. And that phrase "to come upon" in the original language literally means "it conspires against me in order to overthrow me."

The apostle Paul's job was to oversee the churches that God had used him to establish, and in this verse he is confessing, "I daily have to battle with worry over these churches. How are they doing? Are they being misled by false prophets? Are they staying true to good doctrine?" He was dealing with worry about those churches. Every day he grappled with that worry, and he had to throw it down.

It is easy for all of us to worry about our job. Some people, even though they are at home, never leave their job. They carry the burden around with them twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. They are always worrying about the job, even when they are home with their family. "How are things going at work? I wonder what they're saying. I wonder about the competition. What about sales? What about my job security? What's going to happen tomorrow?" Consequently, when they get home from work, they are carrying this burden of work around with them, and they are robbing their family. Their own spiritual life is robbed, many times almost to the point of bankruptcy.

Do not let your family be robbed. Do not let your own personal and spiritual life be robbed because you carry the care of your job around with you. Instead, give it to God.

By Bayless Conley

For Your Information

      In our sixth week in our series Miracles, we looked at John 2 at Jesus' first miracle, turning water into wine. This miracle has to do with people's expectations. The wedding guests had expectations. Jesus' mother Mary had expectations. Even Jesus had expectations. What do we do when we have unmet expectations? How do we live with or through them? That message is on our (or soon will be) website just under the calendar as well as on iTunes.
     Next week we finish this series on Miracles with Jesus opening the blind man's eyes in John 9. Jesus turned water to wine, calmed a storm, made a blind man see, a crippled man walk again. So why do we sometimes lack the faith to believe that God can calm the storms in our own lives? What would it take for you to believe that the impossible is possible? A miracle? Join us this Sunday at 11 AM as we continue learning about different miracles, and how that applies to us today.

      July 20 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7:30 PM
      July 24 - Baptismal service following the AM Service
      July 31 - Special Speaker - Ron Salomon preaching in the AM Service

     Visit us at www.fbcmidway.com for more information about our church. Our website has much to offer.

First Baptist Church of Midway

First Baptist Church
210 Front Street | PO Box 545 | Midway | Pennsylvania 15060

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