FBC E-Blast - June 20, 2012
FBC E-Blast
June 20, 2012

For This Reason

Ephesians 1

Knowing that God is the all-powerful, all-knowing, Sovereign Lord of the Universe, should make us pray more, not less.

Ephesians one tells us that God has chosen us and has given us every blessing in Christ. Later, Paul says, "For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers." Paul acknowledges that God is all-powerful and all-knowing and yet he continues to pray for the people.

We must ask God to transform our thinking. That new job God blessed her with was given to her to further God's plan. Perhaps that promotion he got was part of God's purpose to reveal Himself to an unbeliever. As a Christ-follower we know that our life belongs to God. It is intended for God's glory and His purposes. We know that our treasure and reward come later. Right? Cultivating this attitude is tough when we see the wicked prosper. But really when you think about it, the only true difference between you and an unbeliever is Jesus. Why do we need fringe benefits when we have the King of kings and Lord of lords?

Many would say, "If God is all-powerful and all-knowing, why pray?" The answer to that is, "If God is all-powerful and all-knowing, why wouldn't we pray?" Does it make more sense that we would pray to a limited, finite god or to an all-powerful, all-knowing God? Which one can intervene into our circumstance and do the miraculous? Is God in heaven wringing His hands with worry, waiting the outcome of events set in motion by another more powerful entity? Or, is He the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Living and Awe-producing God who is acting with deliberate purpose? How would our prayer-life change if we really believed God can do something about our impossible situation? How would our prayers be altered if we knew that our situation is part of God's plan and purpose?

The problem is that we have made prayer all about us instead of Him. It's not about our grocery list of needs and wants; the point of prayer must be God and His purpose. Today, begin your time with Jesus with this prayer: "Lord, how can I get involved in Your purpose and plan? How can I know You better? Would You help me know the hope to which You have called me and the great power available to me through Jesus?" It is for this reason that we pray.

Used by permission from NewSpring Church

Upcoming Events

Ladies' Small Group - The ladies meet on Sunday Nights at 6 PM and are going through the book Made To Crave by Lisa TerKeurst. If you have any questions please contact Stephanie Robinson at (724) 678-9520. The ladies will be taking Father's Day off, but will resume on June 24.

Men's Small Group - The men will be meeting on Friday Nights at 7 PM and are going through the book The Resolution for Men by Stephen Kendrick. If you have any questions please contact Pastor Robinson at (724) 255-1695. The men will be taking this Friday off, but we will resume on June 22nd at Buck & Lynn Harringtons.

June 24 - We will be observing the Lord's Supper and taking up the Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service.

July 1 - Carry-In Dinner following the AM Worship Service.

July 8-12 - Vacation Bible School for 4 year olds through those going into 6th grade. Begins at 6:30 and will end at 8:30. Questions? Call Stephanie.

Special Opportunity

We have been approached by an individual who wants to help our church to be proactive in being prepared for the future. Recently there was a chance to purchase the house behind the church, but we were not in any position to purchase it. They have since taken it off the market, but will most likely be putting it back on the market in a year or so. This anonymous person has offered to match up to $5000 each month (from May through December) that would be given to the parsonage fund over and above your regular offerings. This is a great opportunity to get prepared to purchase some needed property for parking since our church is landlocked. Please consider donating some money towards this fund so we can be better prepared for this possible opportunity. Last month we raised $5,090! Praise the Lord!!

      Dale Bish Jr. preached a message called How To Be A Bad Dad from I Samuel 2 as we celebrated Father's Day.
      Sunday's message is available on our website, just under the calendar, or you can listen by visiting us on iTunes. You can also listen to previous messages.

Next Week:
      Join us as we delve into God's Word and see what God wants us to know. We hope to see you here!

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Copyright © 2012 First Baptist Church of Midway, PA. All rights reserved.

210 Front Street
Midway, PA 15060


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