FBC E-Blast - March 3, 2014
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March 3, 2014
Bring the Gospel to the World
Matthew 28


When a teacher gives an assignment, good students take it seriously. They do what's required, give their best effort, and complete the work in a timely manner.


Before ascending to heaven, Jesus gave us a commandment - an assignment, really - but too many Christians are half-hearted about completing the task. Christ told His followers to share the good news about salvation and make disciples of all nations. Some believers do dedicate themselves to this work. But many are either too busy or too timid to commit their lives in this way.


If we are to emulate Jesus (John 13:15), then our actions and words should touch people as His did. Recipients of the Savior's love were forever changed. As His followers, we have the Holy Spirit residing within us, which means we have access to the same power that raised Christ from the dead (Romans 8:11)! So by sharing the gospel, providing encouragement, and offering comfort, we, too, can impact others' lives. Jesus commanded that the good news go out to all nations. Of course, not everyone can move to another country. Some believers hear God's call and go. Others stay, but they're still called to touch those around them. They can also assist overseas missions by financially and prayerfully supporting kingdom efforts on foreign soil..


Our Lord was serious about telling His followers to share the gospel. Consider how you spend your time and your money. Does this indicate obedience to the most important assignment you have ever received? What changes must you make to give Jesus' commandment top priority?


Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.




Current Series:


No matter what the situation was, Jesus knew just how to touch people - sometimes with His hand but always with His heart. Consider how lives were affected by coming in contact with Him. For instance, in today's reading, Jesus called the children to Himself, placed His hand upon those little ones, and blessed them.


Last Week:


     We have seen that there are three reasons that most people have a heavy soul. Something in our past, some trouble that we are experiencing now, or we are worried about what is to come. We learned three ways on how to deal with these things.
      Sunday's message is available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.


Next Week:


Next week, we start a continue our series Soul Detox, by looking into The Heavy Soul.


Upcoming Events


March 3 - Ladies Bible Study starts at 6:30 PM at Linda's house.


March 11 - G.R.O.W. Meeting at 7 PM


March 18 - Trustee's Meeting at 7 PM


March 21-22 - Couple's Retreat with Bob Burney. Cost is $125 + food (lunch on Saturday). We will be staying at Inn at Walnut Creek, OH, near Sugar Creek. Our first session will begin at 8 PM. There are 7 king size bedrooms, first 6 to pay will get them! For any questions, please contact Pastor Ben.


Contact Us


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    210 Front Street
    Midway, PA 15060
    (724) 796-3381