FBC E-Blast - May 23, 2011
FBC E-Blast
First Baptist Church of Midway E-blast
    May 23, 2011 iTunes Facebook E-Mail Contact
Go Fish
Mark 16:15

Over the next seven devotionals, I want to talk to you about the number one business of the Church: the business of winning souls. It is what I call "The Seven Cs of Soul Winning."

The first "C" - commission - is found in Mark 16:15. These are some of the last words Jesus spoke before He ascended into heaven, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

Could it be any clearer? Jesus said, "Go." Dare we say, "No"? He said, "Go." That is the opposite of "stay," isn't it? G-O. God wants you and me to take the Gospel to Others.

You and I need to get out into the world! Jesus was not crucified between two candles on a church altar. He was crucified out in the byways and highways of humanity, and that is where we must take the message.

Jesus said, Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men. That is a promise. But you know what? You have to get to the water if you are going to catch fish. You have to get out of the four church walls, out to where hurting humanity is, and engage them with the gospel.

A while back, I went backpacking with my two sons in a very remote area. We found a pristine lake where just about every time we would put a line in the water, we would catch a fish.

We also had this incredible camp. But you know what? If we wanted to catch fish, we had to go down to the water. No one could catch a fish sitting in camp.

A lot of Christians just hang around the camp. They form fishing clubs and talk about how important it is to fish. But they don't fish. God wants us to go fish!

By Bayless Conley
For Your Information

     As we are nearing the end of our series Parenthood, we looked into the topic of discipline. We saw that discipline is correction driven by love. We saw how there are many undisciplined parents out there that many of us relate to. As well, we saw some expectations of our children and parents, too. That message is on our (or soon will be) website just under the calendar as well as on iTunes. Next week we will finish our series with a message entitled Now What? If you have kids or are even thinking about having them, you won't want to miss this series that explores what God's Word has to say about all things parental. Whether they're bawling, crawling, walking, talking, driving you crazy or asking to drive your car, kids are a gift from God, and He provides some very clear guidance and insight on how to raise them to be full of faith and focused on Him, rather than leaving you frustrated, frazzled and fatigued.

      June 5 - Guest Speaker - Tom Harper; Carry-in Dinner after Worship Service; No PM service.
      June 19 - VBS Kick-off Cook-out begins at 6 PM.
      June 20-24 - Vacation Bible School - Big Jungle Adventure - 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

     Visit us at www.fbcmidway.com for more information about our church. Our website has much to offer.

First Baptist Church of Midway

First Baptist Church
210 Front Street | PO Box 545 | Midway | Pennsylvania 15060

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