FBC E-Blast - May 9, 2011
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First Baptist Church of Midway E-blast
    May 9, 2011 iTunes Facebook E-Mail Contact
God's Guidance System
Matthew 6:22-24

In Matthew 6:22-24, Jesus tells us the impact when God has our whole heart, The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness! No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

While it may not seem like it, Jesus is talking about the heart. As we learned in our previous devotionals, if you give to God, and give for the right reasons, God has your heart. Your heart belongs to Him. When God has your heart, He can lead you; because that is how God leads, He leads through your heart. That's really what this illustration is about. That is what He means by, "The lamp of the body is the eye."

Think about the difference light makes when trying to walk on a narrow, craggy path. When light comes into your eye, you can see your way. Your eyes, when the light is able to come in, are a built-in guidance system, aren't they? Well, you know what? You have a guidance system God uses to lead you. That guidance system is called your heart. If God has your treasure, He has your heart. But God can't lead you through your heart if He doesn't have your heart.

If God has your heart, then He can begin to lead you. You can go anywhere He tells you to go. And interestingly enough, the loyalty of our heart is expressed through our giving. Is giving and guidance tied together? According to Jesus… definitely!

By Bayless Conley
For Your Information

     Yesterday we took a break from our series Parenthood, to celebrate Mother's day. We had a great time honoring mothers. Pastor spoke on Like A Mother and drew some conclusions on how God is a protector like a mother, has a touch like a mother's touch, and has forgiveness like a mother's forgiveness. That message will be on our website just under the calendar very soon as well as on iTunes. Next week we will continue our Parenthood series with a message entited Unchanging Principles of Parenting. If you have kids or are even thinking about having them, you won't want to miss this series that explores what God's Word has to say about all things parental. Whether they're bawling, crawling, walking, talking, driving you crazy or asking to drive your car, kids are a gift from God, and He provides some very clear guidance and insight on how to raise them to be full of faith and focused on Him, rather than leaving you frustrated, frazzled and fatigued.

      May 14 - We will have a booth at the Midway Community Day.
      June 5 - Guest Speaker - Tom Harper; Carry-in Dinner after Worship Service; No PM service.
      June 19 - VBS Kick-off Cook-out begins at 6 PM.
      June 20-24 - Vacation Bible School - Big Jungle Adventure - 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

     Visit us at www.fbcmidway.com for more information about our church. Our website has much to offer.

First Baptist Church of Midway

First Baptist Church
210 Front Street | PO Box 545 | Midway | Pennsylvania 15060

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