FBC E-Blast - November 15, 2010

November 15, 2010

First Baptist Church - E-blast


Proverbs 23:4

We read in Proverbs 23:4, Do not overwork to be rich; because of your own understanding, cease! Notice that this verse does not say don't work. And it does not say don't work hard. It says don't overwork.

There are some people in God's family who are not led, they are driven. They are so focused on reaching their goals and achieving whatever level of success they are going after, that they are making a lot of sacrifices along the way. But they are making the wrong sacrifices. They are sacrificing their marriage and they are sacrificing their relationship with their kids. Why? Because they overwork. And, friend, that is not healthy.

In fact, overworking is as unhealthy as not working. You miss out on the grand things in life, the important things in life. With some people, even their relationship with God gets squeezed out because they overwork.

You need to be motivated; you need to work hard; but you don't want to overdo it to the point that you don't have time for your children. You don't want to work so hard that you don't have time for your spouse. And you don't want to so overwork that you don't have time for your God. You are missing life if you are just after possessions, and you are sacrificing the more important things along the way.

How does your work life measure up today? Are you overworking at the expense of your marriage, your family, and your relationship with God? If so, determine today to get your life back in balance. Overworking is overrated!

By Bayless Conley

For Your Information

Upcoming Events


As we discover the intentional life, the iLife, this last Sunday we delved into iGive. We saw that as we intentionally give, it should be properly motivated, it should produce glory to God, as well it should make an eternal difference. Due to some technical difficulties, that message is not available to be posted on our site. Next week we will be looking into iThank. Please make every effort to be here, for it can change your life if you put into practice intentional living.


November 21, 2010 - Ladies' Fellowship following the Sunday Night Bible Study.


November 24, 2010 - Thanksgiving Eve Service at 7 PM


December 24, 2010 - Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM


During the months of January, February and March we will be having Bible studies for the men and for the ladies. There is a sign up sheet in the foyer for those interested in being a part of this great time of learning and fellowship. If you are not able to sign up on the sheet, please let Pastor Ben or Stephanie know, so you will be included in this event.


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