FBC E-Blast - November 29, 2010
FBC E-Blast - November 29, 2010
FBC E-Blast

November 29, 2010

Proverbs 11:28

Proverbs 11:28 uncovers a powerful truth, He who trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like foliage.

Solomon is giving us an important warning: He who trusts in his riches will fall. Why does he tell us this? Because it is our natural tendency, when prosperity comes, to trust in that prosperity and to have that become our source of security.

As Psalm 62:10 says, If riches increase, do not set your heart upon them. There is a tendency in every human heart to do just that, and that is why God warns us. If the blessing comes, if prosperity comes, if you achieve a degree of success, do not set your heart on the wealth. Instead, make sure your trust remains in God because riches are not trustworthy. In fact, if you trust in your wealth, you will fall!

The New Testament echoes this same truth in I Timothy 6:17. In this passage, Paul is writing to his son in the faith, Timothy. He is giving him some instructions to pass along to other believers, Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.

Like Solomon, Paul is warning us that riches are uncertain. Do not put your trust in them. Instead, make sure your trust is in God. If riches increase, do not set your heart on them. And I like the last part. He said to put your trust in God, Who gives us richly all things to enjoy.

Where is your trust today? Are you trusting in your money and wealth? Or is the object of your trust God? I hope you will answer honestly. If you find yourself trusting in riches, just remember, they are untrustworthy!

By Bayless Conley

For Your Information

Upcoming Events

We began a new series this last Sunday entitled The Advent Conspiracy. We began with Worship Fully. We talked about how in order to worship fully we must step out of our fear as Mary did, get over our pride as Joseph did, do the obvious as the shepherds did, and seek the King of Kings as the Wisemen did. That message is on the website, if you missed it. Over the next three weeks we will also look at Spend Less, Give More, and will finish with Love All. As we continue this series, we encourage you to attend as we go over some misconceptions about Christmas and how we can overcome them and return this Christmas season back to the Lord.

December 7, 2010 - Ladies' Ornament Exchange
For more information call Gloria Kelly at (412)478-6119

December 18, 2010 - Christmas Caroling

December 24, 2010 - Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM

During the months of January, February and March we will be having Bible studies for the men and for the ladies. There is a sign up sheet in the foyer for those interested in being a part of this great time of learning and fellowship. If you are not able to sign up on the sheet, please let Pastor Ben or Stephanie know, so you will be included in this event.

Check Us Out On The Web

Visit us at www.fbcmidway.com for more information about our church, as well as previous sermons. Our website has much to offer. You can also follow us on Facebook. Simply click here and 'Like' our church.


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