FBC E-Blast - November 5, 2012
FBC E-Blast
First Baptist Church
November 5, 2012
Training For Battle
I Timothy 3-4


When we think of Jesus, we think of the freedom God has given us to live in his love. What we don't often do is think of the discipline it takes to live true to that spiritual freedom. Without it, we can find ourselves before long wanting what our selfish flesh desires, rather than what God wants and what our spirit needs.

One of Paul's sternest warnings in this first of two letters to his beloved apprentice, Timothy, is to live a disciplined life in order to accomplish God's purpose. The word "disciple" means to regulate one's mind, thoughts and actions to achieve a particular purpose. Being a disciple of Jesus, then, is following a particular way of living that is about making our mind, thoughts and actions all about Jesus. In fact, Paul tells Timothy to think about the discipline of godliness just like we might think about working out at the gym. Do it and you will be strong, healthy and able to endure. Neglect working out and you'll be out of shape, you'll look unappealing and you won't be able to stand against Satan.

At the beginning of this chapter, Paul warns Timothy to stay on his toes and be on the lookout for false teaching because that's Satan strongest weapon in shipwrecking faith. So training in godliness, then, is first about knowing the "words of the faith" - the only truth, the real truth - about our savior, Jesus.

Paul commands Timothy to devote himself to reading scripture and to teaching scripture to save both himself and his hearers from Satan's lies. Even today, going to church each week to hear good preaching remains one of the most powerful ways we can "train" our minds to know and believe and act in the truth of God. Another method is daily Bible reading and regular Bible study of our own.

Many of us don't like discipline because it takes work. The truth is there's no alternative if we are to live lives pleasing to God as good servants of Christ.

Used by permission from NewSpring Church

Current Series
    Battles are inevitable but victory is not. We often find ourselves fighting enemies that are stronger than we are. So how do you stand fearless when there's so much at stake? Be inspired by accounts from God's word about average people who became champions and overcame insurmountable odds. Do you have what it takes? Experience Fearless to find out once and for all.
Last Sunday:
    Dale Bish, Jr. preached yesterday and encouraged us from the book of Ephesians. He told us to have Great Expectations by thinking and behaving optimistically balanced with realism. We need to expect God to do great things for us and through us.
    Normally Sunday's message would be available for streaming or downloading on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes. Unfortunately this message is unavailable.
Next Sunday:
    We will continue our series of Fearless by looking into I Samuel 15 to discover how Jonathon was fearless. We hope to see you with us!
Upcoming Events:

November - The anonymous donor, who is matching donations towards the new parsonage through December, will double match all donations to the new parsonage in the month of November. Praise the Lord for this person's generosity!

November 18 - Carry-in Thanksgiving Dinner

November 25 - Lord's Supper

December 2 - No Carry-in Dinner

December 24 - Christmas Eve Service

Special Opportunity

We have been approached by an individual who wants to help our church to be proactive in being prepared for the future. Recently there was a chance to purchase the house behind the church, but we were not in any position to purchase it. They have since taken it off the market, but will most likely be putting it back on the market in a year or so. This anonymous person has offered to match up to $5000 each month (from May through December) that would be given to the parsonage fund over and above your regular offerings. This is a great opportunity to get prepared to purchase some needed property for parking since our church is landlocked. Please consider donating some money towards this fund so we can be better prepared for this possible opportunity. We have raised $7,300! Praise the Lord!!
210 Front Street
Midway, PA 15060
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