FBC E-Blast - November 8, 2010
FBC E-Blast - November 8, 2010

November 8, 2010

First Baptist Church - E-blast

Real Treasure

Proverbs 15:6

Proverbs 15:6 says, In the house of the righteous there is much treasure,but in the revenue of the wicked is trouble. Notice that this verse does not just declare there is treasure in the house of the righteous. It says there is much treasure in the house of the righteous.

You can also find treasure in the house of the wicked, but Solomon says it is laced with trouble. The income of the wicked has a bunch of trouble with it. But the same is not true for those who are right with God. When the treasure is found in their house, it does not have the same trouble that it does when it is found in the house of the wicked.

If you read on, the Lord shares two things that must accompany this treasure if it is going to be enjoyed. First, you must have a right relationship with God. Proverbs 15:16 says, Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure with trouble. It is better to have almost nothing and have a right relationship with God than to have everything money can buy and not have a relationship with God. We must get our priorities right.

The second thing we need to have is a right relationship with people, lest the treasure become hollow and become a curse. Proverbs 15:17 says, Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a fatted calf with hatred.

Some people have more prosperity than they know what to do with, but all of their relationships fail. They do not have love. Consequently, there is a vacuum they can never fill with things, that they can never fill by accumulating more possessions. Pursue your relationship with God, and a right relationship with people. Then you will enjoy the treasure God gives you!

By Bayless Conley

For Your Information

Upcoming Events

Continuing our series on the iLife, we talked this last week about iForgive. Remember that the iLife is the life that is being lived out intentionally. It will help us grow in our relationship and fellowship with the Lord. That message is on the church website if you missed it, or you can click here. Next week we will be delving into iGive and then the Sunday before Thanksgiving, iThank. Please make every effort to be here, for it can change your life if you put into practice intentional living.

November 24, 2010 - Thanksgiving Eve Service at 7 PM

During the months of January, February and March we will be having Bible studies for the men and for the ladies. We are looking for a lady would be willing to head up and lead the Ladies’ Bible Study. If you would like to do so, please see Pastor or Stephanie. There is a sign up sheet in the foyer for those interested in being a part of this great time of learning and fellowship.

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Visit us at www.fbcmidway.com for more information about our church, as well as previous sermons. Our website has much to offer. You can also follow us on Facebook. Simply click here and 'Like' our church.
