FBC E-Blast - October 1, 2012
FBC E-Blast
October 1, 2012


Colossians 4

How many times have you done it? You've responded a little too curtly to an innocent question. You've been short with the store clerk just because you've had a stressful day. A kind and noble word may have pressed to mind but resentful, hurtful words exit your mouth.

Well-seasoned speech is not always common. Everywhere you turn there are verbal jabs, slander, maliciousness, libel, and gossip.

Responding to a simple question with a sarcastic quip... revealing information about someone in an effort to "gain more prayer support." Those might seem innocent enough - after all, they're not outright blasphemy or swearing or gossip - but words can still cut deeply.

Maybe we can all learn a lesson from what Paul exhorts his readers to remember in Colossians 4:6, Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Someone is always listening. Be it the little ears of our children or the hidden ears of bystanders. Our words, not just our actions, are witness of our relationship with Christ. It would do us well to ask Him (daily!) to corral our tongues and give us forethought in our speech.

It can be a slanderous, mighty weapon... as well as a sweet salve. How will you use your speech today?

Used by permission from NewSpring Church

Upcoming Events

October 7 - Carry In Dinner following the AM Worship Service

October 17 - Quarterly Business Meeting in lieu of Wednesday Night Prayer and Bible Study at 7 PM

October 28 - Stephen Philippi Missionary to Bangladesh will be our guest speaker

Special Opportunity

We have been approached by an individual who wants to help our church to be proactive in being prepared for the future. Recently there was a chance to purchase the house behind the church, but we were not in any position to purchase it. They have since taken it off the market, but will most likely be putting it back on the market in a year or so. This anonymous person has offered to match up to $5000 each month (from May through December) that would be given to the parsonage fund over and above your regular offerings. This is a great opportunity to get prepared to purchase some needed property for parking since our church is landlocked. Please consider donating some money towards this fund so we can be better prepared for this possible opportunity. We have raised $7,185! Praise the Lord!!

Last Sunday:
      Two weeks ago week we looked into our need of spiritual maturity. But, how do we get there? We have to grow in the Lord Jesus Christ. As a child of God, we should be growing in the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Are you growing? What about the in 'graces' of God in II Peter 1:5-8?
      Sunday's message is available on our website, just under the calendar, or you can listen by visiting us on iTunes. You can also listen to previous messages.

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210 Front Street
Midway, PA 15060


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